Each year the St. Paul Minnesota Police Department puts on a Police Canine demonstration during the "Great Minnesota Get Together" the Minnesota State Fair.
This is inpart to raise money for the St. Paul Police K-9 Foundation.
Taken directly from the K-9 Foundation Website:
The St. Paul Police K-9 Foundation is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. Its mission is to provide financial support for the St. Paul Police Canine Unit. The Foundation's fundraising efforts provide individuals and corporations the opportunity to support law enforcement by making tax-deductible donations.
The Foundation promotes positive police and community relations between the Canine Unit and area businesses, organizations, and individuals. It creates public participation in a proactive program of awareness and education about the role of K-9 officers in law enforcement. It also provides and avenue for the Canine Unit to respond to the generosity of the community.
While entirely independent of the City of St. Paul Police Department, the St. Paul Police K-9 Foundation collaborates with the Canine Unit to identify and prioritize special needs that are not funded through the City of St. Paul 's ordinary budgeting process.
Please Please Please, visit the K-9 Foundation website and make a donation, or purchase something from their store. You will be supporting a great cause, and helping many many Police Departments in the area.
As a former Canine Handler, I can tell you how hard the job that the Current K-9 Handlers jobs are. These guys / gals work exteremly hard constantly training with their partners. I can not tell you how expensive it is for these agenices to purchase the necessary equipment necessary to run a canine unit.
Please support your local Police Canine Units.