
Bronco was my Canine Partner from 2005 - 2007 when I left the Department that I worked for.

Bronco is a Belgian Malinois.  I was partnered with him in January 2005, in Pipe Creek Texas.  At the time that I was partnered with him, he was 2 years old.  He was imported to the United States from Holland.

Bronco was a very very stong dog, both physically and in his detection work.  We graduated from the academy with a 100% find rate.  Bronco was exposed to dual-service work, as a bite dog before I was partnered with him to do single detector work. 

Bronco was a very impressive dog, very attentive to others, very protective of me, and very sweet when he wanted to be. 

Bronco always liked to chase sticks.  When we were out in the field or running on the trails, he would almos always have a stick in his mouth, and he was always so proud of his find.  I took the pictures of Bronco at the Alamo in June of 2007, just before I left the department. 

The other picture that you see, is Bronco's classic stalking stance.  I have never seen an animal just freeze, and not move so much as a muscle.  Bronco would just stop, freeze totally, and stare someone down.  His tail would be up and it was very scarey when he did that to you.

The Picture with me in it, was an awesome capture, too bad its kind of blurry, it makes an awesome shot.


I miss my partner, but I do not miss the department that I worked for.  I will never forget my favorite partner.  He is assigned to another handler now, who takes very good care of the old guy.. He's 7 now, due to retire in a year or two.

More Stories

When we would fly back to Texas for annual training, our Partners would fly in the cabin of the aircraft with us.  I won't go on and on with the stories of people and reactions, security and all the fun that was.  This was taken in 2007 on the way back home. The flight was pretty empty, the gave me my own row of 3 seats, Bronco looked out the window for a while, couldn't really figure it out so he layed down on the floor, stretched out and put his head on my boots, and fell asleep, until we landed.  I took a picture of him.  These were with my small point and shoot camera, I really wish they turned out better, I missed a good memory that way.